Church Family,
Over the next 4 weeks, our church is committing to fasting one meal a week in order to pray for our Vision 20/20 campaign to pay off our debt. If you are able, we ask that you fast and pray over Wednesday lunch. If that time doesn’t work for you, please choose another time.
We have prepared a devotional to go along with each of these fasting and prayer times. Click on the corresponding week to read and pray through the devotional as you fast.
Regarding the actual giving of funds, we will be handing out pledge cards at church beginning Sunday, November 3. You are welcome to make your pledge at any time once you have prayed and sought the Lord’s will. Our final collection will take place during a combined service on November 24, where we will announce the total collection. If you prefer, you are welcome to give online by clicking here and designating the Vision 20/20 fund.
Thank you for your faithful participation in this time of prayer and fasting. Our prayer is that the Lord would use this time of intentionally seeking him as a church to knit our hearts to be more attuned to his will.
In Christ,
Pastor Mike