Our Missions Convictions

The Driving Missions Convictions of Rock Prairie Church

We exist to make Christ known from our neighbors to the nations. The following convictions about God, His Word, and our church drive our strategy as we seek to be faithful in using the resources He gives us to reach the nations for His glory. 

We believe…

  1. All scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, reveals the certainty of God’s plan to redeem people from every nation, tribe and tongue. (Genesis 12:1-3; Revelation 5:9)
  2. The way God is accomplishing his plan is the Great Commission, which is the command to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20)
  3. Missions is bringing the gospel through evangelism, discipleship and church planting to peoples who otherwise have limited or no access to the good news of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 12:4; Romans 15:23)
  4. The local church is called to be proactive in sending its members out in a manner worthy of God. Proper missionary care begins well before the missionary enters the field, and ends long after the missionary returns home (3 John 5-8; Philippians 1:3-5, 19; 2:25-30; 4:14-19)
  5. Sent missionaries from Rock Prairie are still considered members and thus they and the sending agency are under the authority of the local church, which is under the authority of the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:3-4)
  6. Missions is a culture, not a program. Every believer is called to play a role in fulfilling the Great Commission. Our church’s job is to raise awareness and equip the members to find their role in making disciples of all nations.