Rock Prairie Students

At RP Students, we want to develop a community of young disciples who follow hard after Jesus. Through the gospel, we want to see more and more students actively owning their faith, loving one another in biblical community, and making Christ known to their neighbors and the nations

RP Students is meeting Sunday nights 5:30pm-8pm

Here’s what to expect at RP Students

Every Sunday night both middle school and high school students are invited to RP Student wing for games and worship. Doors open at 5:30pm for open gym with games starting at 6pm. On the third Sunday of each month we have a free coffee bar starting at 5:30pm. 
After Sunday night large group, students get together with leaders in a coffee house discussion format of the Bible, faith and our mission to make Christ known.
After Sunday night large group, students discover life changing, Christ-centered truths as we dive into the Bible. Afterwords, students break into smaller groups of guys and girls and apply the truth to our lives.
Throughout the year we take opportunities to serve others in the community and the world, in order to help students go beyond themselves and obey God by serving others.
Current Opportunities:
Let’s talk! If you are interested in volunteering with RP Students please contact Pastor Craig at 
Contact with any other questions. You can also connect with us on Instagram:
Click here to register
Middle School “Switch” June 1-6
High School “Merge” July 13-18

Parent Resources Center:

-Weekly Parent Email: The parent email is a weekly email to make sure you are in the loop with what’s going on at RP Students. If you would like to join our email, please contact Pastor Craig at
-This month’s Parent Page – Click Here. Keep up with the changing youth culture as you disciple your teen.

Gospel Centered Parenting

Articles from Gospel Centered Sources

Teaching Teens Biblical Suffering