Rock Prairie Men exists to help men know Christ DEEPLY through prayer, discipleship, and fellowship. One of the best ways this is accomplished is by men gathering together to study God’s Word, share life which each other, and pray over each other. When we study God’s Word and begin to live out what we learn, we become better children of God, which naturally causes us to become better leaders, husbands, fathers, or any other title that God has called us to bear. Wherever you are at in your faith journey, we would love for you to join us for a Bible study. No sign-ups required. Just come!
Option #1
Where: Rock Prairie Church
Start Date: September 13th
When: Every Wednesday Evening at 6pm
Led by: Aaron Quinn
Study: the book of Mark
Option #2
Where: Rock Prairie Church – Hearts Towards Home Room
When: Every Friday morning starting September 15th at 6am
Led by: Kreg Salsbery and Sam Friend
Study: the book of Mark
Option #3
Where: Rock Prairie Church – Conference Room
When: Every Tuesday Evenings at 7:30PM, except Jan. 16th.
Led by: Tom List
Study: The New Testament
If you plan to come to the Tuesday evening option, please Click Here to sign-up.
For more information, contact Pastor Mike!