There will be no restriction on the number of people who can attend each service. If we cannot accommodate everyone in the worship center maintaining 6 foot distance between families, we will utilize an overflow room in the Fellowship Hall, and the classrooms as necessary. We expect to be able to accommodate everyone with one service, but we will adjust as necessary in the weeks to come.
Anyone with underlying health conditions should continue to worship at home via the livestream. Those who are 65 or older should especially consider whether it is wise to participate in mass gatherings.
Yes! Rock Prairie Kids will meet outside for 2 year olds-5th grade. Nursery will be available inside for parents who are comfortable.
Yes. We know it will be difficult, but congregants should maintain at least 6 feet of space between family groups. Out of respect for others, we ask that you refrain from handshakes, hugs and other forms of physical contact. We will also be asking people to not enter the building if they have respiratory symptoms such as fever / cough / frequent sneezing / stuffy or runny nose / sore throat – or have tested positive for Covid-19 in the past 21 days.
Masks are not required, but are encouraged. We will have masks available for anyone who would like a mask but does not have one.
We will have the chairs arranged in the worship center in “clumps” of different sizes. Please find an open set of chairs that corresponds with your family size.
There will be a box in the back for you to drop your tithes and offerings as you enter or exit. We will not be practicing the Lord’s Supper until our entire church is able to gather. The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance given by God for the church, and we feel that waiting to take the Lord’s Supper until we’re together will be a reminder that things are not yet the way they should be, and it will make it that much sweeter when we are finally able to gather as an entire church family.
We will have hand sanitizer stations available throughout the building. The restrooms will be open, but we ask that their use be minimized as much as possible. Greeters will stand behind tables in order to welcome people at a safe distance. We will not pass out bulletins or any other materials. There will be no tables and chairs in the Welcome Center, and there will be no coffee or doughnuts available. At the end of the service, we will dismiss row by row.
Yep. As excited as we are to begin to hold in person services again, we realize that it’s not going to feel anything close to the same as before. It is killing us to have to teach and enforce the exact opposite kind of behavior of what we want the church to be. “Social distancing” is not an element of discipleship. Yet we recognize 3 things: 1) This is only for a season. We trust that doing these things will actually allow us to get back to normal quicker than if we didn’t do them. 2) God operates far beyond our comprehension. Even though we feel the weight of these limitations, there’s nothing that can limit God. We trust that he is going to continue to do great things even in our weakness. 3) This time is a powerful reminder to all of us that things are not as they should be, and this world is not our home. Jesus is going to come back one day and make all things new and all things right. Let’s not get too comfortable in this world. Instead, let’s do the work he gives us to do in the time he gives us to do it, all the while longing to be with our Savior, which is far greater than being here (Phil 1:23).