I am a native Hoosier; my childhood was spent in Indianapolis followed by the Carmel/Westfield area as a teen/young adult and my family now calls the cute town of Atlanta home. In 2020, I graduated from the College of Biblical Studies in Indianapolis with my Bachelors degree in Biblical Counseling and Equipping.
My husband Aaron and I married in 2010 after growing up on the tire swing together. God has continued to bless us with 4 kids. We tell them almost every day they aren’t allowed to have any more birthdays because we want these moments to last forever, which is always followed with a resounding “No!”. Noah is 9 years old. He is extremely hard working, loves music (drums and guitar) and being outside. Isaac is 5 years old, and he is hilarious! His favorite thing is beep beeps (hot wheels). Dallas is 1 year old and is such a squish. His smile scrunches his entire face, and he is adored by all his siblings. Keeping all these boys in line is our red headed 6 year Charlotte (or Charlie Joe or Chuck as the boys call her). She loves school and all the girl things.
My life is a testimony that God’s plan is better. While I heard about God occasionally as a young person, it wasn’t until I heard the Gospel at a Christian Concert night at the Indiana State Fair in middle school, that God open my eyes and ears to be able to start to understand my need for a Savior. My teen years following were tumultuous in my family and as I searched for truth, Christ showed Himself to me in His Word. He was gracious to surround me with a local church and youth leaders who invested in my life. Years later, their impact and His Word, has led me to my heart for young people and a passion for Scripture.
You may find I have a slight accent; my Indy roots only leave me to believe it’s from growing up listening to country music 😊 I love Christmas, attempting to make things (not always successfully), playing games, and sitting on the front porch with a book and coffee; always coffee.